
Summary of Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Protection Regulations

Summary of Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Protection Regulations

Introduction On July 24, 2024 the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) obtained authorization to immediately implement and enforce new Indoor Heat Protection Regulations at places of employment state-wide. This summary provides Employers...

How Does The New PAGA Reform Effect Employers?

How Does The New PAGA Reform Effect Employers?

As most of us in the employment law world have been following and impatiently waiting, the PAGA reform is officially signed into law by Governor Newsom as PAGA reform (AB 2288 and SB 92). So, how does this change the landscape for PAGA cases? Here is the breakdown:...

Healthcare Employees Wage Increase effective July 1, 2024

Healthcare Employees Wage Increase effective July 1, 2024

Governor Newsom, on May 31, 2024, endorsed Senate Bill (SB) 828, altering the commencement date of the healthcare minimum wage regulation (SB 525) by one month. In October of the previous year, Governor Newsom ratified SB 525, establishing a tiered statewide minimum...

Minimum Wage Increase Beginning July 1, 2023

Minimum Wage Increase Beginning July 1, 2023

As of July 1, 2023, the minimum wage for the City of Los Angeles will increase by $0.74 to $16.78 for all employees covered by the Minimum Wage Ordinance. Specifically, those employees who perform at least two hours of work for an employer within the geographic...

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